Wills & Estate Planning

Proper estate planning ensures that your family is properly protected in the event of your incapacity or death.  More than just the writing of a will, estate planning is the preparation of a plan to transfer your property according to your wishes.  For many people it also involves creating a plan which will take care of their affairs in case of they become unable to because of illness or incapacity—including choosing someone to make critical medical choices for them should they be unable to at the end of life. Estate planning is not merely for the wealthy, it is necessity for anyone who wishes to be taken care of in old age and ensure that loved ones are cared for after they are gone.  At Moon Law we will work with you to create an estate plan that is tailored to your needs and the needs of your family.  Moon Law serves Greenville and Upstate South Carolina by providing following estate planning services:

  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Healthcare Directives/ Living Wills
  • Administering an Estate
  • Elder Law
  • Guardianships & Conservatorships


Some things you should know about estate planning:

  • Should you die without a will (intestate), the probate court will distribute your property to your heirs according to state law. While state law provides how the sum total of your property is to be distributed among your loved ones, it does not provide for which particular heir will get certain specific items of your property.
  • There is more to estate planning than keeping an estate out of probate and minimizing taxes.
  • Without proper planning, money and real estate may not be able to pass to minor children directly, causing extra expense and administration after a parent’s death.
  • Every estate must go through probate, no matter what the planning or size of the estate.
  • Most everyone should execute a power of attorney for health care (also known as a living will) and a power of attorney for property to protect him or her in the event they become disabled. The power of attorney allows you to choose someone that you trust to make decisions for you in the event you become unable to do so.

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