What We Do

At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.

When Should I Seek an Attorney’s Help?
This seems to be the number one question people have in connection with seeking legal counsel. They wonder: Is it necessary? Is it too soon? Can I handle it myself? How much will it cost? The truth is: we can’t answer these questions unless you ask us personally.

The rule is, it’s better to ask a question rather than avoid it. And the sooner the better. We believe it’s better to know you’re on the right path than to hope you are, only to discover later you’ve made a wrong turn. We promise to be up front and honest with you at every turn. We promise to discuss and explain every aspect of your case. And we promise not to add complications where there are none. We’re available to share our knowledge and understanding of the law in the following areas:

• Special Needs Law
• Real Estate Litigation
• Wills and Estate Planning
• Business Litigation
   • Coverage
   • Commercial Leases
   • Corporate Business Disputes
   • Real Estate Litigation
   • K Disputes
• Landlord/Tenant Disputes

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